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2024-2025 officers


Ray Bollerud

Vice President/Secretary

Jula Fender


Dave Koepele

Social Committee

Dave Goldstein


Tim Halvorsen

Past President

Dave Koepele

SRC Bylaws


Sugarbush Racing Club, Inc. (SRC) is a Not for Profit corporation incorporated in the State of Vermont.


In the event of dissolution of the SRC, all assets remaining after payment of creditors shall be transferred to its successor Not for Profit corporation or to a charity as determined by a vote of the Board of Directors.


The SRC exists to serve the athletic and social interests of club members.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of no fewer than 5 and no more than 10 members. The SRC officers shall be BOD members and shall appoint additional BOD members as required.

The BOD shall include the President, Vice President/Secretary and Treasurer, plus additional appointed BOD members as may be necessary or appropriate.

A BOD member may be dismissed if the majority of the board considers their behavior or the conduct of their office to be detrimental to the SRC.

Officers, Elections and Terms

The officers of the SRC shall be President, Vice President/Secretary and Treasurer.

The officers shall be elected annually by a majority of the SRC membership present at the time and location announced by the BOD. If necessary, the BOD may conduct the annual election by mail or email.

Officers shall be elected to serve terms as follows:

  • President – limited to two one year terms
  • Vice President/Secretary – one year
  • Treasurer – one year

If an elected officer is unable to complete his/her term, the board will appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the elected officer’s term. If the appointed officer later decides to stand for election they will be subject to the terms defined above. In the case of the President, the appointed term does not limit the number of allowed elected terms.

Fiscal/Club Year

The SRC fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30.

Board of Directors Meetings

The BOD shall meet no fewer than two times per year.

Financial Reporting and Management

The Treasurer shall issue a report of financial position no fewer than two times per year. In addition, the Treasurer is responsible for managing the club’s bank accounts. The Treasurer, the President and one other member of the BOD shall be authorized to sign checks on behalf of the club. An expense budget and revenue projection will be developed for each fiscal year. Any expenditure of unbudgeted club funds in excess of $100 must have the approval of at least three BOD members.

Meeting Minutes and Biennial Reporting

The SRC Secretary shall maintain minutes of BOD meetings and file a required Biennial Report with the Corporation Division of the Vermont Secretary of State office.


The BOD shall incur no debts on behalf of the SRC which cannot reasonably be paid in full within the fiscal year. If an unforeseen debt is incurred or equipment is required which cannot be paid within the year, the BOD shall call a special membership meeting to vote on an assessment.


An Agent shall be appointed by the BOD and must be a resident of the State of Vermont.


Membership in the SRC is open to all persons 18 years of age or older regardless of race, gender, religion or national origin. The club will not tolerate discrimination in any form.

Termination of Membership

Membership in the SRC may be terminated by a member at any time or by the BOD for the following reasons

Member behavior is deemed detrimental to the reputation or good order of the SRC.

Dues and fees more than 30 days in arrears.

Special Membership

From time to time, the BOD may designate honorary members who will be exempt from dues and fees.

Operating Rules and Requirements

From time to time, the BOD may institute rules and requirements governing the day to day operation and management of the SRC.

Stay in the loop

Upon joining, members agree to have their email added to our private mailing list and for their email to be visible to other list subscribers.

If you’re not a member but simply want to keep with SRC activities, you can subscribe here.

Mailing list management and sending is limited to a few Board members. All subject lines are prefixed with SRC Announcement so you know their source.

If you reply to the message it will go to

From time to time we will post messages from our sponsors and members of the community that are of interest to members. If you have a desire to share information with the membership, please email

You may opt-out of receiving emails by sending an email to This link also appears at the bottom of every message you receive.

If you experience difficulties receiving messages or know someone in the Club who thinks they are not getting our emails, please contact us at


How to reach us

The Sugarbush Racing Club is made up of adults who are living or reliving their ski bum and weekend-warrior days on the slopes of Sugarbush and in the Mad River Valley. The Club is all about fun racing, friendly rivalries, great après-ski parties and wonderful social events. Become a member now!

The Sugarbush Racing Club is an all-volunteer group. Many activities are required to make the club run.  If you are a member and would like to support the club, please click here for the volunteer information form.

The Sugarbush Racing Club, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Vermont and has been granted 501c-7 non profit, tax exempt status.


Mailing address

Sugarbush Racing Club, PO Box 1502, Waitsfield, VT 05673



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