Jim Cutchins
Sugarbush Race Club defies the Cold
The temperatures were in the low single digits, with gusting winds buffeting the course, as more than twenty brave souls from SRC lined up for the race. Surprisingly, the wind and temperature seemed to favor the racers. They brought home 4 platinum, 4 gold, 9 silver and 4 bronze medals.
Nicole de Fau captured another gold this week with an impressive run. There were a series of dramatic finishes with 0.68 seconds separating Rick Duckworth and Chris Lowenstein while Peter Palfrey, Brighton Luke and Dan Brown delivered excitement with their dramatic chase.
John Lussier continues to shine on the course claiming one of the platinums. Another exciting grouping occurred when Stephan Ham-Ellis and Peter Menkes “threw down the gauntlet” and came out of nowhere to challenge Dave Nadel, Jula Fender, Ray Bollerud and Jim Cutchins. Jim being from North Carolina, said he felt the cold penetrating his very bones and the better part of valor was to go home and warm up after the race.
Rich Jones and Micheal Sharkey demonstrated that passion wins despite age – both winning gold metals in their 80’s! They continue to amaze and inspire us all.
The club will meet at Chez Henri Wednesday at 4:30 PM to discuss their times and prepare for two anticipated races on Friday March 3rd. Of course, we invite everyone to participate in the Annual Chez Henri Race on Saturday, as a fund raiser for Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice.