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SRC Awards Banquet Fundraiser

The Sugarbush Racing Club marked the end of the race season with an Awards Banquet fundraiser March 22 at the Inn at the Round Barn. Each SRC party includes fundraising for Vermont Adaptive, but the silent auction at the Award Banquet added more than $3000 to the amount to be donated to Vermont Adaptive. Thank you to all the businesses and members who donated items for the auction.

The 2018 SRC Race Awards were given in nine categories identified by Handicapper-In-Chief Peter Wicklund. Peter downloaded the Official NASTAR timing results for each SRC race and used them as input to a proprietary computer program he developed. The program is based on psychometric algorithms Peter hacked from Cambridge Analytica, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Fourth Edition) of the American Psychiatric Association, and the US Federal Tax Code. Peter expects to work through the summer to upgrade the algorithm to include DSM-5 and the recent Tax Code changes.

Peter and the SRC try to be Politically Correct. SRC members heaved a collective sigh of relief when Sunday’s NY Times reported scientific evidence that men and women are different, justifying the SRC awarding separate, but equal, prizes to the two genders. SRC avoided the ageist categories NASTAR uses, naming the men’s SRC “social racers” categories M1, M2, M3 and M4, and the women’s F1 and F2. Roughly twice as many men raced, so the men required twice as many categories to give everyone an equal chance at winning.
SRC also includes some serious racers, usually identified by lycra racing suits on the race course. They are placed in the “Fast and Furious” categories F&F Women and F&F Men, that being a more accurate descriptor than “anti-social racers.”
And the winners in Gold, Silver, Bronze order are:
M1: Jula Fender, Rick Duckworth, Spaceman Winch
F1: Jan Goba, Elizabeth Walker, Lauri Landau
M2: Chris Ham-Ellis, Dave Seymour, Peter Wicklund
F2: Mary-Carol White, Renee Epstein, Caryl Hurwitz
M3: Jim Cutchins, Ray Bollerud, Richard Brady
M4: Chuck Bowen, Fred Costello, Bob Stevens
F&F Women: Danielle Hampton, Elizabeth Walker, Lauri Landau
F&F Men: Rick Duckworth, Dave Seymour, John Lussier
SRC also runs a John Wilson Memorial race in honor of the former SRC President. Jeff Rubin and Jan Goba were the winners of that race.
Each winner was awarded a fleece embroidered with the SRC logo. Photos from the Banquet are online at
The next SRC event will be the Annual Golf Tournament