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Winter Interlude Dinner – DJ Dance, Tuesday February 7, 2017

Terra Rossa Ristorante
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Starting at 6:00, the always very popular SRC pot luck dinner and DJ Dance will be held this year on a Tuesday evening.  Terra Rossa is located about a mile up the Sugarbush access road on the left.  RPM Entertainment is again booked this year to provide the popular music to dance by.  Cash bar.  Cost will be $ 15 per person.  Janet Ellison is in charge of the event.  She can be contacted at 583 – 5621 or email:  Contact her what food to bring and payment can be made to her either at the mixers or sent to her ( payable to SRC Racing club ) at 125 East View Road  Warren 05674 no later than January 30, 2017.

Read about last year’s party and see photos at Winter Interlude Dinner Dance Feb 8, 2016